reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Friday, April 29, 2005

A Respectable Institution

Do you believe in God? But what about the Church, do you have any kind of trust in this institution? A friend of mine said the other day that Church is more related to politics than to religion and faith. And I think he's almost right. Almost, because, even though most of the priests I know have only one interest and that is undoubtelly money, there are also a few exception that make Church go on as a respectfull institution. But that doesn't change the fact that most of the people who have dedicated their life to serving God (and I talk now especially about priests) have absolutelly no penchant for their mission.
A few weeks ago, I was coming back home from school and in the train I was sitting next to some students who were in fact preparing to become priests. What amazed me was what one of them said about confort and I quote "I love luxury". How can that be? I was always taught that priests should always promote poverty in things and richness in soul. But on the other hand, I have never seen a poor priest. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't want them not to have anything, but when the priest from a certain village makes his parishioners buy only one type of candles-which are more expensive-what should those people think? That he's trying to repair the church or finish his new house?
So I guess my friend was right. Because Church is exactly like politics. Everybody is trying to get as much as they can get.
But, as I said, there are also exceptions. And probably the most known is the late Pope, who helped peeple as much as he could. And what is probably more important is that he used Church as a form of diplomacy, not as a way to get rich. And this what makes me still have some faith in Church as a institution

Friday, April 15, 2005

Small percentage

Do you really believe in real love? The kind that could touch you for a whole life, that you could never forget, not even when it’s over. And, better yet, do you believe in soul mates? Do you believe that somewhere out there, there is somebody who is perfect for you, who knows that you are somewhere in the world and he/she is just dying of meeting you? Yeah right!!!! There isn’t such thing as real love! Really, how many happy couples have you seen lately and how many of them are really happy. I guess the answer is for 90% of you none. So, we should understand there is no such thing as love. Wrong again! I believe in love, I believe that I someday will meet a guy that I will love and who will probably love me. But on the other hand, I also believe that love doesn’t last forever. People change. They evolve in a way or another and they become incompatible one to each other and this is the moment their life together is over. That’s the moment when they stop loving each other. Some of them are happier. They change very late, when they’ve become so used to the person beside them, that they can’t imagine life without having them around. Others are not that fortunate. And there is also a very small percentage of people, very, incredibly small percentage, that never change, that never get tired of the man beside them. And these few are the real happy ones, the ones who have found their soul mate. But I said…doesn’t matter what I said. For some of us, real love does exist. And maybe there a chance for us to be part of that small, very, very small percentage.

Traveling by bus

I hate to take a bus, especially when it’s very crowded. I hate people touching me. I hate the way they smell. I hate everything about a bus. It’s probably the worse useful thing humanity has ever invented. But my problem in this case may not be the bus, but the interaction with people. I have never been a very sociable person. I mean I’m not a solitary person, but in some cases, I find it hard to talk to somebody. Maybe I’m a bit introverted, but I really thing that my problem comes from an acute sense of awkwardness or even anxiety, because you never know how the person next to you is going to react. And it’s probably also my lack of inspiration, because I never find the right subject to talk about and I sometimes find myself feeling so stupid when I talk about the weather, for example.
But why do I have to fell like this, because I’ve realized that most normal people don’t find it that hard to talk to each other. There are even people who can start a conversation out of nothing and, even though the result is not the one expected, they feel no bit of shame or embarrassment. Does this acute sense makes me better or less than most people? Do I have a problem or do I have a quality? Because, by not talking, I can avoid certain upsetting situations. But on the other hand, being this reticent is not surely the best way to act in public and especially among people. It can be taken as a snobbish attitude or, worse, I can be considered too stupid to have a reasonable opinion. So, I guess I’ve just found my answer. It’s unquestionably a problem, because it creates stickier situations. So, I guess now I have to work it out. But what if I don’t want to. What if I’ve become so used to being lonely so now I don’t want to change anything, although I’m not that satisfied with my current position? This is probably a stupid and childish attitude. But I don’t really thing that changing myself will bring so many satisfaction, because I’ve realized that life isn’t as nice as it should be and it almost certainly won’t bring me anything good.
Then, what should I do? Well I guess that I won’t do much, because I’ve realized that compliance is the best way to act. Because, although life isn’t nice, it’s definitely surprising. BOOO!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Anatomy of a person

We all have a body.We all have all the organs that we need to live.Our bodies function well enough to help us live.Right?But what about our inner anatomy?Is it really that unsignifiant for some of us?I’m not a genius,but I’m not also a stupid person.I’m smarter than some people,but on the other hand there are so many others with whom I can’t even compare.So I guess I’m a normal person,that has qualities,flaws,problems and everything that is supposed to have a man.But I’ve also realized that this isn’t really enough for me.I need more and I have to believe that life cannot be just a boring suite of ordinary and usual situations.I have to believe that, despite the physicall, similarities we all have something inside, a certain anatomy that can’t be learned in a med school,that in fact can’t be learned anywhere, but which can separate us from anybody else just by trying to explore our thoughts,needs and emotions.Many of the young people my age are living for nothing.Because partying,having fun,drinking,smoking aren’t really a real life.They’re just a surogate.They have absolutely no pasions,no ideals,they ask nothing from the world around except money.They spend their time doing nothing.Actually I think this is their only ideal.I don’t blame them.I couldn’t even if I had wanted to.I guess they haven’t tried to explore themselves and find out what they really want.Or maybe they just can’t.And it’s a real pitty living without having anything inside your soul.No passion,no personal opinion,nothing.Just cigarettes.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Are we a selfish race?Or are we just trying to overprotect ourselves from any danger that may interfere with our plans?And this protection is really such a bad thing?I know a great deal of people that are cheap,for example.They have money and can afford certain things,but they refuse to take advantage of these small,yet important things,because they don't want to spend their money.But money are for spending!!Is their cheapness,in this case, a sign of selfishness(because,undoubtelly,if they refuse to help themselves, they would definetely refuse to help others)?But,on the other hand,it is said that we live the most important parts of our lives(death and birth)alone.Then why the need to interact with others during the rest of the time?You will all say that interacting,better yet,socializing with others is the main characteristic of the human race.But aren't all these acts based on a bit of a masochistic relation?Because any type of friendship supposes two persons,who might have something in common,but who are nonetheless different and who have to accept each other with all their flaws and qualities and make their relationship work,despite all the things that might separate them.But this very effort is what makes the human race unselfish,because by sacrificing his time and feelings in order to gain a friend,a person shows a real proof of selflesness.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Have you ever realized how stupid we sometimes look?Cause everytime I look around myself,I can't help noticing some guy or girl who looks like a complete idiot.And even myself I feel sometimes like one,especially when I have to pretend liking smth or smbd.I know,we should always be ourselves,but really,how many of us are themselves all the time?Nobody can do,say and act as they would wish all the time because mainly we aren't allowed to.Everytime we have to hide ourselves,we are forced to do that because otherwise we would lose something.And I really hate that.I don't remember all the times I had to play a role in order not to be excluded or misunderstood by the people around me.I guess that 90% of the time I'm just a small part of myself.The rest of me I have to keep hidden because I wouldn't want to be an outcast.You will all tink now that I don't have the right friends who could understand and accept me just as I am.But that's another stupidity,because nobody could understand me.Or you.We are completeley different persons,and no matter what somebody might say,we could never accept us just as we are.And this is a really sad thing.Really