reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Anatomy of a person

We all have a body.We all have all the organs that we need to live.Our bodies function well enough to help us live.Right?But what about our inner anatomy?Is it really that unsignifiant for some of us?I’m not a genius,but I’m not also a stupid person.I’m smarter than some people,but on the other hand there are so many others with whom I can’t even compare.So I guess I’m a normal person,that has qualities,flaws,problems and everything that is supposed to have a man.But I’ve also realized that this isn’t really enough for me.I need more and I have to believe that life cannot be just a boring suite of ordinary and usual situations.I have to believe that, despite the physicall, similarities we all have something inside, a certain anatomy that can’t be learned in a med school,that in fact can’t be learned anywhere, but which can separate us from anybody else just by trying to explore our thoughts,needs and emotions.Many of the young people my age are living for nothing.Because partying,having fun,drinking,smoking aren’t really a real life.They’re just a surogate.They have absolutely no pasions,no ideals,they ask nothing from the world around except money.They spend their time doing nothing.Actually I think this is their only ideal.I don’t blame them.I couldn’t even if I had wanted to.I guess they haven’t tried to explore themselves and find out what they really want.Or maybe they just can’t.And it’s a real pitty living without having anything inside your soul.No passion,no personal opinion,nothing.Just cigarettes.


  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger latent said…

    I think I haven't made myself understood the right way. I was talking about the futility of my generation. I have nothing against parties or cigarettes, but when they become your only way of living, they lose all the beauty. I like spending time with my friends, but I also enjoy reading a great book ar watching a movie. But not everyone thinks this way. Most of my people my age only talk about mobile phones and stuff like that. And what is even worse is the way they judge people by the quality of the things they own. And you get no memory out of this


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