reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Have you ever realized how stupid we sometimes look?Cause everytime I look around myself,I can't help noticing some guy or girl who looks like a complete idiot.And even myself I feel sometimes like one,especially when I have to pretend liking smth or smbd.I know,we should always be ourselves,but really,how many of us are themselves all the time?Nobody can do,say and act as they would wish all the time because mainly we aren't allowed to.Everytime we have to hide ourselves,we are forced to do that because otherwise we would lose something.And I really hate that.I don't remember all the times I had to play a role in order not to be excluded or misunderstood by the people around me.I guess that 90% of the time I'm just a small part of myself.The rest of me I have to keep hidden because I wouldn't want to be an outcast.You will all tink now that I don't have the right friends who could understand and accept me just as I am.But that's another stupidity,because nobody could understand me.Or you.We are completeley different persons,and no matter what somebody might say,we could never accept us just as we are.And this is a really sad thing.Really


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