reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Friday, April 29, 2005

A Respectable Institution

Do you believe in God? But what about the Church, do you have any kind of trust in this institution? A friend of mine said the other day that Church is more related to politics than to religion and faith. And I think he's almost right. Almost, because, even though most of the priests I know have only one interest and that is undoubtelly money, there are also a few exception that make Church go on as a respectfull institution. But that doesn't change the fact that most of the people who have dedicated their life to serving God (and I talk now especially about priests) have absolutelly no penchant for their mission.
A few weeks ago, I was coming back home from school and in the train I was sitting next to some students who were in fact preparing to become priests. What amazed me was what one of them said about confort and I quote "I love luxury". How can that be? I was always taught that priests should always promote poverty in things and richness in soul. But on the other hand, I have never seen a poor priest. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't want them not to have anything, but when the priest from a certain village makes his parishioners buy only one type of candles-which are more expensive-what should those people think? That he's trying to repair the church or finish his new house?
So I guess my friend was right. Because Church is exactly like politics. Everybody is trying to get as much as they can get.
But, as I said, there are also exceptions. And probably the most known is the late Pope, who helped peeple as much as he could. And what is probably more important is that he used Church as a form of diplomacy, not as a way to get rich. And this what makes me still have some faith in Church as a institution


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