reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Saturday, May 14, 2005


I have an obsession. Well, it's rather an ideal, but I have become so attached to this ideal that I just can't seem to let go. Actually, I don't really want to let go, because it's exactly what I want for me and I won't be satisfied with less than this. You might think that I'm talking about a guy. Well, it's not about somebody, I mean not somebody that I really know. Actually, it's a certain situation that I trully love, a situation that made me search for something that might not even exist. I know how the perfect guy should look like, but I'm also aware taht I'm never gonna meet him, that I'm never gonna have it. On the other hand, my ideal isn't that hard to realise and I don't need the perfect guy for it. I just need somebody that I trully love. And, unfortunatelly, I haven't found him. But I still believe in my perfect situation.


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