reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Thursday, December 29, 2005


I am definitely a MOVIE FREAK. No doubt about it. I’ve become such a freak that I’m obsessed with downloading movies and I do this all day long. It’s probably my favorite hobby and I must say that it pretty relaxing. Weird? Yeah, I guess so. I mean what sane person would have downloading movies as a hobby? Well, I guess no sane person. But after all, I’ve already reached the conclusion, a long time ago, that I’m just not as normal as I should be.
I’ve just finished watching this movie, actually it was the classical sweet teen movie that, obviously, ends up with a HUGE happy end. And, shockingly, it did end up like this. I mean I’ve watched a dozen of this kind of movies, and every time, every single time, I wish they could just end in a reasonable and realistic way. Come on, where have you ever seen the captain of the football team aka the most gorgeous guy in the whole town to be sensitive and yet more, caring and (the most outrageous part from all these movies) in love with the school’s geek, who is also very smart and charming (that’s probably the single true part, because, guys, in case you haven’t noticed, ugly girls have the greatest personality, because it’s their single quality (that you might appreciate) and the easiest to improve),who, in the end, it happens to also be the best looking chick in the school. COME ON!!!!!! Where are you living? What’s wrong with the producers? Are you blind? Yeah, I know it’s just a movie (which I have to admit has some really nice scenes) but it’s not even close to reality. And I can’t stop thinking if we really want to be confused like this. I know that movies are just like literature, the producers, just like writers, have all the power over the world they create, but movies, and media in general, they are one of the biggest powers the human being has ever created. And especially teen movies should be a little down-to-earth, because it’s not nice when you realize that nothing that you see on TV will ever happen in real life. And, yes, sometimes a little reality check is good for everybody