reality does bite

mY oWn StRaNgE, YEt veRy NoLmAL Life ThAt MAkes mE ThinK a LiTTle tOO MucH...Or MAyBe nOt :)))

Monday, November 28, 2005


It seems so odd to be in that stupid phase where you don’t care about nothing, because you know deep down that absolutely nothing new will happen in the next few months and that you practically have nothing to hope for, because there is really nothing to long for. And what is even more stupid is that you don’t even feel that bad, even though you should. And you’re very conscious that this isn’t the right way and things should really work differently but, the hell, there is something wrong with you and that makes give not even a shit on what will happen next. And things turn out just the way you expected, and you become used to not knowing anything new and finally you realized that you even got used to every stupid and idiot thing from your life. And finally, you end up not even caring. And it really sucks all this, real bad. But you just don’t care.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Have you ever asked yourself what is out there? And I'm not talking about the outer space or about the afterlife. No. I'm talking about the world that's behind our daily universe. What is going on in your neighbours yard or house for instance. Or what's the favourite book of the man who's standing in front of you at the supermarket. I take the subway every single day to go to school. And every single time I'm curious to find out something about all the people that I travel with. It's a sort of voyeurism if you want, because I'm trying to take a look at somebody's life, but it's nothing sexual. It's just some kind of strange curiosity. I'd like to know their secrets, their fears,I'd like to understand why they got dressed that way or why they're reading that newspaper, and not a book. I guess that what I'm trying to find out is that I'm not alone.