Thursday, September 22, 2005

If I hadn't known him, I would've thought that he was the perfect guy. I still think so. Of course, there's nothing in this whole world bigger than my stupidity, but I think I've reached a point in my life when I can truly say that in some weird way, I really like my stupidity. Anyway, I might be stupid, but I still can say that I haven't lost my sense of reality.And I'm confident that there is definetly something wrong with me. It's those movies that make me go crazy.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Fashion-Love It, Hate it, But Use it Wisely

What’s great about fashion is that apparently, it has no rules. Just let the imagination take off and its wings will do the job. Unfortunately, this is, as I said, just an illusion, because fashion has plenty of rules. Come on, you’d have to be crazy to follow absolutely no rules when it comes to fashion. Everybody has an opinion about fashion, and unless you dress at least normal, you will be considered…. how should I say this without being too cruel?... well, a sort of an outlaw or, worse, a freak.
Unfortunately too normal means also too boring. Come on girl, you can do better than the same old recipe. Mix something with those jeans and you will have the perfect combination. A “to die for” combination. Girls will hate you, boys will adore you. OK, hold on a little. Houston, we have a problem… One thing I know about boys (probably the only thing) is that when it comes to fashion, they can be a little old fashioned. They aren’t really into that stylish phase that we so much enjoy. They like us to be nice and shiny, not odd and innovative. I’ve met boys for which even a bag with a certain pattern could give him a heart attack. I mean, for god’s sake, it’s just a bag. Luckily for us, they love us just the way we are most of the times and they ignore all those weird accessories that we use to embellish us. And we shouldn’t push it either, because even a boy has a limit. And no matter how much he loves us, he just cannot stand all that pink stuff that we call clothing.
There are also other issues concerning clothes. For example, there are moments when you have to dress a certain way. I still remember that some of my final exams required a certain code of dressing up. Seeing all my high school mates so elegantly dressed was worth everything. Too bad we were right in the middle of the exams… Unfortunately not everybody appreciated this. But I did. Except for my prom, where everybody was looking glamorous, the exams are my second best moment from high school. Call me old fashioned, but I think there’s nothing sexier that a guy in a suit. And those two special moments were filled with guys in suits…
But when it comes to real fashion, I mean the real one, not just what they show on TV (that is sometimes just a surrogate), the streets are the real catwalks and the people are the real models. There you can find absolutely everything. I myself have to admit that I love watching people and the way they dress and most of the times I love the way they look, although there are moments when I go blind from all that … well , whatever they might call it, I, for one, don’t even have a name for what some of us are wearing.
Anyway, bottom line is that fashion is what we like most and what the others like most on us. There’s a saying in my country (and probably everywhere else) that says that we shouldn’t dress just for ourselves, but mainly for the others, because they are the ones that admire us. We might look in the mirror and see how pretty we are, but, in the end those who surround us are the ones that get all the pleasure from our looks...

OK. I have decided on a certain thing : I MUST HAVE MORE FUN. I can't stand myself coming to the computer and writting all these stuff that most of the time I don't even want to know about, because they're pretty depressing and, why not admitt, sometimes quite annoying. It's like I'm the cry baby of blogs. I just sit around the computer and complain about everything :about my lack of fun and especially about my lack of love. No wonder I was running out of ideas: I had nothing to complain about. But now I'm ready for getting back my life. Come on, I used to be different. What the hell happened? It's time to come back. And, ladies and gentlemen, I must assure you that from now on I will also share my fun moments.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
It's been a while since I last posted anything around here or anywhere else. Apparently, things haven't changed that much lately. I mean I'm still just as "savage" as always, but I have decided to make some changes around here. Well, the truth is that I've realised I have to make these changes or try making them, because, otherwise, I'm never gonna be satisfied with anything in my life. I have no idea if it's going to work and I don't even know how I am going to act, but I'm confident that I'll find a way. It's hard living without anything really nice to wait. I need that stupid phone call just for a voice to be heard, I need that pretty pathetic hug to let someone know that there will always somebody there and, most of all, I really need some magic in my life. Just for a while, so I can say "Yes, it does exist and it is also possible"